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Mathematics majors at Randolph College gain problem-solving and analytical-thinking skills and the practical background needed to pursue a career or graduate study in mathematics.

Professor Jia Wan teaches class

Why Study Mathematics at Randolph?

Randolph provides a “learning-by- doing” atmosphere, with an emphasis on written analysis, where students discover the usefulness and intricacies of mathematics and related fields.

Both the bachelor of science and bachelor of arts in mathematics are offered, as is a minor.

The department offers a computer science program with a bachelor of science degree and minors in computer science and data science.

The department also offers independent study courses where students can learn about how mathematics applies to such fields as economics and business, political science, psychology, biology, chemistry, cryptology, linguistics, physics, and general science.

Degrees offered

Mathematics BA

Mathematics BS

Mathematics minor

Computer Science minor

Data Science interdisciplinary minor

Curriculum and Courses

Related Programs

Opportunities for Experience

Summer Research students work professor.
Math professor Michael Penn, Gillian Golda ’22, and Noah Carney ’22 at work on their Summer Research project - diving deep into symmetries in mathematical objects. Read more...

Summer Research Program

Spend the summer working closely with a professor and focused on a specific aspect of mathematics.

Randolph’s intensive eight-week Summer Research Program enables students to work with professors on a research of their own design; live in a residence hall on campus, participate in on-campus summer events, attend special seminars with guest speakers; and share the progress and results of their research.

Learn more about the Summer Research Program.

Symposium of Artists and Scholars

Modeled after a traditional academic conference, the SAS brings together students of all disciplines to share the results and highlights of the best work being produced at the College –  oral presentations, readings of creative works, performances, exhibitions of student artwork, and poster presentations.

Learn more about the Symposium of Artists and Scholars.


Learn by doing – in the field and on the job.  The Career Development Center will help place you in positions with leading companies and organizations in your field of study.

Learn more about internship opportunities.

Top Ranked Professors

Randolph College’s faculty are consistently recognized as among the best in the nation. The Princeton Review ranked the College in the Top 25 for most accessible professors in the most recent edition of its flagship college guide, The Best 389 Colleges.

Randolph has been ranked in the top 25 for most accessible professors for more than a decade.

Mathematics Faculty

Marc Ordower

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Read More... Marc Ordower

Michael Penn

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Read More... Michael Penn

Matt Stokes

Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Read More... Matt Stokes

Jia Wan

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Read More... Jia Wan

Only at Randolph

Randolph students can take advantage of unique programs which give them a more enriching education than can be found anywhere else.


Two courses per half-mester means you get to focus in and dig deep into your coursework while still having time for the rest of the college experience. Two classes. Seven weeks. Repeat.

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The Randolph Plan

Randolph students work with faculty mentors to explore a broad range of disciplines as they chart their academic path.

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The Liberal Arts Advantage

Randolph graduates learn to think critically, solve problems and work well with others. They are prepared to succeed in all aspects of life.

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Money for Your Research

The Randolph Innovative Student Experience (RISE) program provides every student a $2,000 grant to fund research, creative work, experiential learning or other scholarly pursuits.

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Department News

Summer research examining how satellite constellations affect astronomy

As satellites are launched into the sky, they leave traces of their transit on astronomical images, decreasing the scientific value of those images. 

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Q&A with new faculty: Matt Stokes

Stokes joins the College as a visiting assistant professor of mathematics. 

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Students studying drone-based delivery systems for summer research project

They will use simulation models to see what would happen if a drone delivery system existed in Lynchburg.

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Randolph professors granted tenure

Art history professor Lesley Shipley, theatre professor Stephanie Earl, and mathematics professor Michael Penn have all been granted tenure by the Randolph College Board of Trustees.

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Code Ninjas: Internship allows two Randolph students to share passion for coding with young children

Terrell Rorie '22 and Jaylan Thompson '22 interned for Code Ninjas, a program where kids learn to code while building their own video games, this summer. As they gain new skills in coding, math, logic, and problem-solving, these students progress from a white to a black belt.

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Summer research examining how satellite constellations affect astronomy

As satellites are launched into the sky, they leave traces of their transit on astronomical images, decreasing the scientific value of those images. 

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Q&A with new faculty: Matt Stokes

Stokes joins the College as a visiting assistant professor of mathematics. 

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Students studying drone-based delivery systems for summer research project

They will use simulation models to see what would happen if a drone delivery system existed in Lynchburg.

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Randolph professors granted tenure

Art history professor Lesley Shipley, theatre professor Stephanie Earl, and mathematics professor Michael Penn have all been granted tenure by the Randolph College Board of Trustees.

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Code Ninjas: Internship allows two Randolph students to share passion for coding with young children

Terrell Rorie '22 and Jaylan Thompson '22 interned for Code Ninjas, a program where kids learn to code while building their own video games, this summer. As they gain new skills in coding, math, logic, and problem-solving, these students progress from a white to a black belt.

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Department Chair

Marc Ordower

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Credentials:BA, University of Waterloo
PhD, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Associated Departments:Mathematics, Computer Science
Office:Martin 326

News Headlines

Marc Ordower received his undergraduate degree with distinction at the University of Waterloo, where he was a Descartes Scholar, and his PhD from State University of New York at Stony Brook. He received the 1994 Mathematics Department Award for Excellence in Teaching in 1994 at Stony Brook. Ordower has both taught and directed the Mathematics Division at Duke University’s Talent Identification Program. He was a visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Texas A & M University before coming to Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in 2002. He has published articles in the fields of Linear Algebra, Operator Theory, and Graph Theory.

While at Randolph College, Ordower has advised several successful candidates for Honors in Mathematics, directed Summer Research students in Mathematics, and administered the Virginia Tech and Putnam Mathematics Competitions at the College.


Matt Stokes

Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Credentials:BS, Arizona State University
MA, Arizona State University
PhD, Arizona State University
Associated Departments:Mathematics
Office:Martin 420

News Headlines


Jia Wan

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Credentials:BS, University of Science and Technology of China
PhD, University of Idaho
Associated Departments:Mathematics, Computer Science
Office:Martin 420

News Headlines
