The following message was emailed to alumnae and alumni on August 12.
Dear Alumnae and Alumni,
Recently, several alumnae of the College have made allegations on social media that they were sexually assaulted while students at the College. These allegations are deeply troubling, and we thus felt that it was important to communicate directly with you to address any concerns that you may have. We do not tolerate sexual misconduct on our campus, and we will deal with it appropriately whenever such allegations are made to the College.
We have been asked to make statements in regards to specific allegations made recently in social media posts. However, we legally are foreclosed from commenting on any such allegation. Federal law prohibits any official of the College from discussing a current (or former) student’s records.
I have worked since I arrived at the College in the summer of 2013 to build a campus culture in which sexual assault is not tolerated. We go far beyond the requirements of Title IX and actively promote a culture of consent. We regularly assess our programming and continuously make improvements to see that everyone in our community is informed of their rights and responsibilities. We also have an active victim’s advocate program, and all reports of sexual assault by current students of the College are fully investigated. For information about how we administrate Title IX at Randolph College, click here.
Another question we have received is about the process for reporting incidents after a student has graduated. In this case, we encourage you to contact us at . The circumstances of each case will determine the range of possible responses we can make. We will listen, however, and I firmly believe these stories will help us build a better campus culture and safer environment.
We care about all of our students and graduates and work diligently to provide a thorough and just system for dealing with sexual misconduct allegations. However, in order for us to provide a safe, welcoming environment for all in our community, we must work together. We cannot investigate allegations if the complaints are not made, so we need to ensure that we are doing everything possible to educate our students about their rights and our processes. We need to work together to make sure that sexual assault is not tolerated, and we will do all that we can to address and investigate any concerns brought to us.
Bradley W. Bateman