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Sport & Exercise Studies

The Sport and Exercise Studies program at Randolph College combines a well-rounded liberal arts education with classroom, laboratory, and field experiences. Graduates are prepared for careers or graduate schools.  Many enter the College’s master’s program in coaching and sport leadership.

sport and exercise students examine bone structure on a lab skeleton

Why Study Sport & Exercise at Randolph?

The sport and exercise studies program focuses on introducing students to a framework of knowledge in surrounding sport and exercise disciplines.

A broad intellectual base challenges our students to explore foundations of human movement, personal health and fitness, and sport administration with multi-dimensional courses such as kinesiology, motor development, exercise physiology, sport nutrition, exercise testing and prescription, sport management, and sport sociology.

The integration of our classroom, laboratory, and field experiences with the college’s general education program provides a well-rounded liberal arts education experience. Students graduate with a bachelor of arts degree.

Degrees offered

B.A., Sport and Exercise Studies: Coaching and Sport Performance 

B.A., Sport and Exercise Studies: Health and Fitness

M.A., Coaching and Sport Leadership

Minor, Sport and Exercise Studies

Curriculum and Courses

Related Programs

Hands-On Experiences


The required internship experience allows the student to gain first-hand experience in a discipline of choice related to sport and exercise studies.

Senior Capstone

In culmination of the senior year, students will orally present their internship experience with literature review support within their discipline in sport and exercise studies.

After Graduation

Graduate Programs

Graduates are prepared for master’s programs in

  • exercise science,
  • kinesiology,
  • health promotion,
  • wellness management,
  • athletic training,
  • athletic administration,
  • sport psychology,
  • sport sociology, and
  • therapeutic recreation

as well as careers in community, clinical, and corporate sport and exercise settings.

Career Tracks

Career opportunites include:

  • Corporate Health and Wellness Director
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation specialist
  • Athletic Directors
  • Sports Information Director
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Recreation Director
  • Coach
  • Physical Therapy Aid
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Exercise and Sport Nutritionist
  • Youth Fitness Director
  • Geriatric Wellness Director
  • Strength/Conditioning Specialist
  • Exercise Fitness Journalism
  • Recreational Therapist
  • Director of Sports Facilities
  • Sports Psychologist
  • Health Club Manager
  • Exercise Testing Technologist

Unique Experiences


Historic Preservation Law

Janie Campbell ’12, history major
Preservation Consultant, law firm of Rogers Lewis Jackson Mann & Quinn, LLC, Columbia, South Carolina

Janie’s group works with developers seeking tax credits for rehabilitating historic properties.

“I work closely with project architects to ensure that historic, character defining elements of each building are preserved and restored, which can vary tremendously as what is significant to a 1929 airplane hangar is vastly different from what makes a 1963 mid-century modern motel unique!”

She writes National Register of Historic Places nominations and Historic Preservation Certification applications, which detail the property’s significance.  She also conducts site visits to ensure work is being completed as described and photographs the before, during, and after conditions of each project.

“Randolph certainly laid the foundation for my research and writing skills. The Summer Research Program, in particular, prepared me for the type of place-based research I do now. “


Carolyn Sarson

Associate Professor of Sport and Exercise Studies

Read More... Carolyn Sarson

Meghan Halbrook

Associate Professor of Sport and Exercise Studies, Director of the Master's Degree Program in Coaching and Sport Leadership, Director of Graduate Studies, Certified Mental Performance Consultant

Read More... Meghan Halbrook

Department News

Meet the graduates: Tristian Palmer ’24

Next fall, Palmer will start Ball State University's master’s program in biomechanics. 

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MACSL program earns accreditation

Randolph's program is the only accredited coaching education graduate program in Virginia and one of less than 12 in the entire country.

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Pennington presents at International Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education

He presented three papers at the Hawaii University conference.

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Meet the graduates: Tristian Palmer ’24

Next fall, Palmer will start Ball State University's master’s program in biomechanics. 

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MACSL program earns accreditation

Randolph's program is the only accredited coaching education graduate program in Virginia and one of less than 12 in the entire country.

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Pennington presents at International Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education

He presented three papers at the Hawaii University conference.

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Department Chair

Carolyn Sarson

Associate Professor of Sport and Exercise Studies

Credentials:B.A., Pennsylvania State University
M.A., University of Virginia
Associated Departments:Sport and Exercise Studies, Master's Degree in Coaching and Sport Leadership
Office:Thoresen 5

News Headlines

I have a passion for teaching the exercise sciences! What a great experience to be able to do what I love on a daily basis. Having recently developed a new major in sport and exercise studies, I transitioned from my long wonderful career as head athletic trainer for the college to continuing to mentor students through teaching and advising responsibilities. Can you think of any other dream job? My background is in health and physical education, athletic training, and exercise physiology; therefore, I bring a wide range of discipline knowledge in mentoring our students. I hope they draw from my excitement and enthusiasm and pay it forward giving back their knowledge to others.

Observing student’s make connections between clinical/classroom knowledge and lab experiences that results in their “light bulb” moments in how to enhancement exercise or sport performance is the most rewarding experience. My favorite classes to teach are nutrition, exercise physiology, evaluation of athletic injuries, and exercise and health assessment. I utilize a hands-on applied approach in many of my classes, as I prefer to keep myself actively engaged with students.

I am an outdoor enthusiast! In my free time, you find me camping, hiking, kayaking, biking, or walking my dogs. When the outdoor fun is completed, I often retreat to a hammock or easy chair with a good book.


Meghan Halbrook

Associate Professor of Sport and Exercise Studies, Director of the Master's Degree Program in Coaching and Sport Leadership, Director of Graduate Studies, Certified Mental Performance Consultant

Credentials:BA, University of Missouri-St. Louis
MS., Ball State University
MA, West Virginia University
PhD, West Virginia University
Associated Departments:Sport and Exercise Studies, Master's Degree in Coaching and Sport Leadership
Office:Thoresen 3

News Headlines

I believe that success in the classroom is measured in more ways than just test scores. Success includes developing connections, leadership skills, self-efficacy, and internal motivation. I also believe that helping students deal with adversity through application of sport and exercise psychology concepts, such as resilience skills, conflict resolution, and communication can be the most rewarding type of success as an educator. Therefore, I strive to create a very positive, supportive, and interactive environment in the classroom. My classes will commonly participate in debates and case studies which incorporate current events, research, educated opinions, and course material. Well-rounded students become thoughtful and purposeful people and professionals, which impacts their connection to others in their desired field, as well as the continued, positive growth of the Sport and Exercise Studies Program at Randolph College.

These beliefs and procedures have been developed through years of teaching, consulting, and research. Much like I try to do in the classroom with all students, my research centers around creating an inclusive and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ athletes in sport. Despite the suggestion that several important developments have occurred over the past 15 years for LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance, professional development opportunities for coaches still rarely include information about LGBTQ+ athletes and homophobia in the sport environment. Diversity education, specifically with regard to LGBTQ+ athletes, teaches the use of inclusive language, development of team policies, and appropriate response strategies to deal with concerns, incidents, or biases on the court or field. In the future, I hope to develop training courses and materials for youth coaches that can be directed at increasing understanding and acceptance, and decrease incidences of bullying and harassment within a team setting.

When class is not in session, I enjoy making casual games and activities way more competitive than they were intended and spending time with family, friends, and my two dogs, Reese and Kai.
