Spanish Curriculum
The Major
Students majoring in Spanish become conversant with the language, literature, and culture of Spain and Latin America.
Majors complete an intensive Senior Project on a topic of their choosing under the direction of a professor.
Recommended Courses
- a second foreign language through the intermediate level;
- courses in Latin American civilization, economics, and politics;
- courses in European, Spanish or Latin American history;
- courses in art; religion; philosophy; mythology; comparative politics; and in English, American, and foreign literature.
Course Offerings
Below is a list of available courses in Spanish offered by the department of modern languages, literatures, and cultures. Consult the Registrar’s Office and the College Catalog for registration information.
SPAN 1101 - Elementary Spanish I
First session: Introduction to the basic phonological and structural patterns. Emphasis on oral-aural skills. Second session: Continuation of Spanish 1101 with increased practice in simple reading and writing. Credit hours: 4, 4. (LA)
SPAN 1102 - Elementary Spanish Ii
First session: Introduction to the basic phonological and structural patterns. Emphasis on oral-aural skills. Second session: Continuation of Spanish 1101 with increased practice in simple reading and writing. Credit hours: 4, 4. (LA)
SPAN 2201 - Intermediate Spanish I
Continued practice in oral-aural skills. A grammar review designed to strengthen the command of the spoken and written language. Online exercises are used to improve fluency and comprehension. Spanish 2202 is a continuation of Spanish 2201. Credit hours: 4, 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 1102 or placement. (LA)
SPAN 2202 - Intermediate Spanish Ii
Continued practice in oral-aural skills. A grammar review designed to strengthen the command of the spoken and written language. Online exercises are used to improve fluency and comprehension. Spanish 2202 is a continuation of Spanish 2201. Credit hours: 4, 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 1102 or placement. (LA)
SPAN 2222 - Topics In Hispanic Literature
When offered, this course is identical to Spanish 422, except that the student may read much of the literature in English (a few works may be available only in Spanish), and may write papers in English. Classes are conducted in Spanish. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 3302 or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit when topic differs.
SPAN 2231 - Modern Latin American Literature
Readings in the short story, the novel, drama, and poetry. Special focuses are political and social problems, as these are defined by contemporary Latin American writers, and literary styles and techniques. The course is conducted in Spanish, but non- Spanish majors may do most of the reading in English and may write their papers in English. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 3302 or permission of instructor.
SPAN 2286 - Span One Time Only
One time only.
SPAN 2286S - One Time Only Summer
One time only summer.
SPAN 3301 - Composition And Conversation
Intensive practice in oral and written Spanish. Readings from a variety of texts and a review of grammar. The course includes weekly individual conversation sessions. Credit hours: 4, 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 2202 or placement. (LA)
SPAN 3302 - Composition And Conversation
Intensive practice in oral and written Spanish. Readings from a variety of texts and a review of grammar. The course includes weekly individual conversation sessions. Credit hours: 4, 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 2202 or placement. (LA)
SPAN 3321 - Conversational Spanish
This course provides the opportunity to practice conversational skills one hour per week. The course format may include class discussion of general topics, small group activities such as role playing, and weekly individual conversation sessions. Credit hours: 1. Prerequisite: SPAN 3301 or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Offered on a Pass/Fail basis only.
SPAN 3333 - Spanish Culture
An overview of the culture and civilization of Spain from pre-Roman times to the present. Focuses include geography, the arts, and social institutions and contemporary society in the post-Franco era. Recommended in preparation for study in Spain. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 3302 or permission of instructor.
SPAN 3335 - Topics In Latin American Culture
An exploration of selected aspects of Latin American Culture primarily through literature, painting, and film. More popular cultural elements such as music, cuisine, and leisure pastimes are also considered. Focuses include Latin American attitudes toward pre-Columbian civilizations, religion, social structures, and the U.S., as well as regional differences. Recommended as preparation for study in Latin America. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 3302 or permission of instructor.
SPAN 3366 - Approaches To Hispanic Literature
An introduction to the short stories, drama, and poetry of Spain and Latin America. The student will examine and practice various approaches to literary interpretation. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 3302 or permission of instructor. (HE)
SPAN 3390 - Independent Study
SPAN 4406 - Advanced Language Study
Study Readings from periodicals, essays, and fiction will be used in conjunction with a grammar text to explore modern Spanish usage and contrasts between Spanish and English. Focuses include advanced grammar, use of idiomatic expressions, translation, word order, and stylistics. Students polish their language skills through writing and conversation. This course is recommended for those planning to teach Spanish. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 3302 or equivalent.
SPAN 4422 - Topics In Hispanic Literature
Play analysis techniques for dramatic literature from a variety of historical periods. Students will focus on language and structure created by playwrights with special attention given to dramaturgical conventions of various epochs. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: any 4-credit 1100-level theatre course.
SPAN 4431 - Modern Latin American Literature
Readings in the short story, the novel, drama, and poetry. Special focuses are political and social problems, as these are defined by contemporary Latin American writers, and literary styles and techniques. Identical with SPAN 2231, but readings and papers must be done in Spanish. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: SPAN 3302 or permission of instructor.
SPAN 4469 - Research For The Senior Program
An independent study course for preliminary preparation of the Spring senior project. Course requirements include compiling an annotated list of sources, meeting with a supervisor to explore the feasibility of possible topics for the senior project, and generally laying the groundwork for writing the senior paper. The goal is to maximize the time a student devotes to writing and revising the senior paper in the Spring. Credit hours: 1. Prerequisite: senior standing. Offered on a Pass/Fail basis only. This course is required of all senior majors who are not reading for Honors in Spanish.
SPAN 4471 - Seminar
Intensive study and discussion on a topic or author(s) to be announced each year. Preparation and presentation of short papers during the session. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: senior standing or permission of the Department. May be repeated for credit once when topic differs.
SPAN 4490 - Independent Study
SPAN 4494 - Senior Project
This course is the pre-professional training that acting and directing students need to prepare them for graduate school and job pursuits. Actors will explore the skills and techniques that encourage effective auditioning. For them, the class will focus on personal preparation, script analysis, cold reading, effective interview techniques, receiving directorial adjustments, and monologue work. Resume preparation and headshot selection will also be touched upon. For directors, the class will guide each student through the process of creating their own directing portfolio and resume. Both actors and directors will develop the flexibility and confidence to handle actual job interviews and auditions. Credit hours: 4. May be repeated for up to eight credit hours. Prerequisite: THTR 1123 or 2233.