Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Curriculum
Course Offerings
Below is a list of available courses offered by the Engineering department. Consult the Registrar’s Office and the College Catalog for all available course offerings.
Engineering Courses
ENGR 1105 - Introduction To Robotics And Mechatronics
Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field that refers to the skill sets needed in the contemporary, advanced automated manufacturing industry. At the intersection of mechanics, electronics, and computing, mechatronics specialists create simpler, smarter systems. This course provides foundational concepts in mechatronics including analog and digital electronics, sensors, actuators, microprocessors, and microprocessor interfacing to electromechanical systems. Credit hours 4.
ENGR 2216 - Statics
This course focuses on external (both applied and reactive) and internal forces on rigid bodies or particles that are stationary or moving with constant velocity. These concepts are applied to simple trusses, frames, and machines. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: PHYS 1115.
ENGR 2217 - Dynamics
This course in vector dynamics is designed to teach solution techniques for rigid body kinematics. Conservation of momentum and energy are employed to analyze two and three dimensional problems. The use of vectors and free body diagrams for the analysis of dynamic mechanical systems is stressed. Credit hours 4. Prerequisite: PHYS 1115.
ENGR 2240 - Material Science And Engineering
How is the structure of matter manipulated to create materials with valuable properties. Application of physical and chemical principles to understanding, selection, and fabrication of engineering materials. Materials considered include metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, and electronic materials. Case studies of materials used range from transportation systems to microelectronic devices. Credit hours 4. Prerequisite: PHYS 1115 and CHEM 1105.
ENGR 2241 - Strength Of Materials
The study and mathematical modeling of the mechanical behavior of materials under load. Emphasis will be on the elastic conditions of equilibrium, compatibility and material behavior. Includes study of stress and strain in columns, connectors, beams, eccentrically-loaded members, as well as introduction to statically indeterminate members. Credit hours 4. Prerequisite: PHYS 1115 and CHEM 1105.
ENGR 2256 - Green Engineering Design
Credit hours: 4. One time only.
ENGR 3301 - Robotics And Mechatronics Engineering Laboratory
Electromechanical design and control applications. Theory, modeling, simulation, analysis, design and building of electronic interfaces and controllers; sensors and actuators; software development, micro- controller technology, and applications. Develop, compile, and test algorithms for serial and mobile robots. Robot forward and inverse kinematics, task planning, velocity kinematics, force rendering, control, haptics, mapping and localization, computer vision and path planning. Credit hours 4. Prerequisite: PHYS 1116 and ENGR 1105.
ENGR 3303 - Controls Engineering
Feedback and forward loop control design and simulation; discrete time and frequency domain methods with implementation considerations. This course provides an introduction to linear systems, transfer functions, and Laplace transforms. It covers stability and feedback, and provides basic design tools for specifications of transient response. It also briefly covers frequency-domain techniques. Credit hours 4. Prerequisite: PHYS 1115 and ENGR 1105.
ENGR 3305 - Instruments, Controls, Machine Automation
Characteristics of instruments used in mechanical systems for determining parameters such as temperature, pressure and flow are studied. The use of these devices in automated systems is covered both using feedback control and programmable logic controllers. Laboratory exercises illustrating the use of pertinent instrumentation for determining the performance of mechanical equipment are conducted. Credit hours 4. Prerequisite: ENGR 3303.
ENGR 3331 - Electronics Laboratory
A lecture laboratory course with emphasis on practical applications. Includes hands-on experience in building and testing electronic circuits and devices, and an introduction to digital logic, digital electronics, and computer interfacing. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: PHYS 1116, 1116L; MATH 1150. (WI)
ENGR 4401 - Robotics And Automation Laboratory
This course introduces the basic principles of robotic manipulators. Students will learn how to derive the mathematical models, plan trajectories, and design controllers for robot applications. Software tools, such as MATLAB, are employed to analyze and simulate the robot system. Credit hours 4. Prerequisite: ENGR 3301.
ENGR 4402 - Mechatronics Theory And Application
The design of mechanical and electrical devices and systems, and cost considerations are covered. The course focuses on reliability, safety, energy and environmental issues, ethics, patents, product liability, time value of money, return on investment, and breakeven analysis. Projects require planning, proposal presentation, scheduling, engineering, implementation, and written and oral presentations of project results. Credit hours 4. Prerequisite: ENGR 3301.
ENGR 4494 - Capstone Design Project
Capstone Design is a culminating course for robotics and mechatronics students. Often in a real-world industry setting, students work in teams to design, build, and test prototypes. Students showcase their efforts at the Randolph College Symposium of Artists and Scholars. Credit hours 4. Prerequisite: Senior standing.