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Frequently Asked Questions

Housing Process

Residence Halls

Break Housing

Housing Process


What are the housing requirements?

Residency in a College residence is required of all students except those who are classified as Commuter Students. Students who are transferring to Randolph from another higher education institution located within 50 miles of the Randolph campus, and who at the time of matriculation are renting in the local community, may request a one-time-only exception to our residency requirement. Such requests must be made at the time of initial matriculation and will not be granted at a later date.

All students aged 23 or younger are required to maintain full-time enrollment and to live in campus housing. Students who are 24 or older may not reside in student housing unless enrolled and approved for on campus housing through participation in a Masters Program. Students who reside with their parents in Lynchburg are strongly encouraged to become Resident Students so that they may benefit from the residential living component of the Randolph College experience. Resident Students may not rent or lease in part or whole any off-campus dwelling during the period of their enrollment.


How can I become a commuter student?

Randolph College prides itself on being a residential college, meaning students are required to live on campus for four years. Randolph has been a residential college since it opened its doors in 1893. Students are not allowed to live off campus independently of a parent/legal guardian, a grandparent, or a sibling. This policy means that students cannot live by themselves or with a group of friends off campus. In order to be eligible for Commuter Student Status, an enrolled full-time student must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Reside with a parent/guardian, grandparent(s), or siblings within a 50-mile radius of the College in the approved relative’s residence
  • Be married and living with a spouse
  • Be a military veteran
  • Have a dependent child living with them
  • Be enrolled in their fifth year or greater at the College
  • Students transferring into the College

Students should complete the commuter student status request process.


When will housing assignments go out?

New students will be notified by email by mid-July of your room assignment. At that time, you will also receive the name and contact information of your future roommate. Your placement email will be sent to your Randolph College email account, so please be sure to check it!

Returning students will be notified by the end of spring semester.


I requested to be in a single room, am I guaranteed a single room?

Listing that you want to be in a single room is a preference only and does not guarantee you a single room. Please note that we have a limited number of singles to offer residents and we will assign based on the individual need, accommodation, and application received timestamp. We will do our best to accommodate all of our residents, but want to make sure you are aware a single room cannot be guaranteed.


How do I submit my health & immunization records?

All new and incoming students are required to submit their Medical Record prior to move-in. The Medical Record form, which includes a complete health history, physical exam, and immunization record, is required before a student may begin taking classes. Without this form on file, students can not be seen at the Health Center except in an emergency only.


When will I find out where I will be living or who I will be living with?

All roommate information and housing information will be included in the housing assignment letter you receive


I requested a specific person to be in my room, will I get them as a roommate?

Single rooms aren’t guaranteed to every student. We only have a certain number of singles to offer to residents and we look at students who need accommodations first, timestamp of the received application, and other factors.


When do I move-in?

Visit the Important Dates and Information page for move-in dates, breaks, and residence hall closing dates.


What if I don’t like my roommate can I change rooms?

After move-in there will be a 2-week freeze put in place so that we can evaluate our occupancy and see what rooms we have vacant in order to offer room changes to students.


I’m an athlete so will I live with my teammates or other students?

We typically house athletes with their teammates due to scheduling and other needs. You have the ability to live with non-athletes, but please refer those questions to your coach.


My room doesn’t have air conditioning, can I bring my own AC unit?

Students who live in unairconditioned spaces are not allowed to bring AC units unless they have applied and been approved for a special housing accommodation. Air Conditioning Accommodation request form

The following things should be kept in mind if you are approved for an AC unit:

  • Students who are approved will be responsible for providing their own AC unit; Buildings and Grounds will install it.
  • If your room faces the front of campus, you will only be able to have a portable AC unit (AC unit that has a hose that goes out the window)

Residence Halls


Who do I contact for Housing Concerns?

Students should contact Residence Life at


What is a RA or HR?

Each hall is staffed by a student hall director (Head Resident) responsible for building safety, student well-being, and staff supervision. Resident Assistants (RAs) build community, resolve conflicts, and address safety issues.


What do I do when I need something in my room fixed?

The Buildings & Grounds department (BG) coordinates custodial work and maintenance of the residence halls. If you have an issue that needs repair or attention, please submit your request via the BG work order form.


What furnishings are provided in the room?

Generally speaking, each resident is provided with a XL twin-sized bed, a desk w/chair. Closet space is provided in each room.


Are pets allowed in the Residence Halls?

Fish in tanks no larger than 5 gallons are the only permissible pets.


Can I bring my own room decorations?

Feel free to decorate your rooms with posters and pictures. Students are encouraged to hang posters and bulletin boards from the picture molding using hooks and fishing line or picture wire. White poster putty and Command Strips/Hooks may be used to hang items on residence hall room walls. The following materials may not be used on walls, doors, or furniture in student rooms, hallways, or public areas: nails, putty, mounting tape, duct tape, packing tape, contact paper, stickers, gel window clings, super glue, and toothpaste.


Where do I do my laundry?

Randolph College utilizes the Speed Queen mobile app to make laundry service available on campus.  Students may download the app in the App Store or Google Play.  The Speed Queen mobile app allows students to view machine availability and see remaining cycle times on machines in use.  Laundry facilities are available 24 hours daily in Bell, Moore, Webb, and Wright Residence Halls and the Grosvenor Apartments.  Per the WildCat Way: Student Handbook, located on page 55, students are responsible for removing their clothing from machines no more than fifteen minutes after the end of the cycle.  The standards and expectations for laundry facilitate use are listed below:

  • Please take laundry out of washer/dryer immediately.
  • Please remove your clothing from machines no more than fifteen minutes after end of cycle.  Students are allowed to move others’ clothing to a dryer or clean space fifteen minutes after found.
  • Please clean lint filter in dryer after each load.
  • Do not use others’ detergent, dryer sheets, or fabric softener.
  • Students are required to pay for laundry if residing on campus in the summer.

Is there a curfew in place at Randolph College?

There is no curfew on-campus at Randolph College. We want to encourage all of our students to be safe and make wise decisions. Randolph’s Honor System means we trust you to live by the highest standards of honesty and integrity.

However, although there is no curfew on-campus at Randolph College, we do have quiet and courtesy hours. Students are expected to help maintain an atmosphere suitable for study or sleep during the following hours:

  • Weeknights (Sunday-Thursday) 10pm-8am
  • Weekends (Friday-Sunday) 2am-8am
  • Certain floors or halls may be designated as extended quiet hours.

Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours/day and refers to the time outside of the listed Quiet Hours in which all residents are expected to be considerate of the noise that they make and how it could negatively impact the Residence Hall community as a whole.


Can I have guest/visitors on campus?

Upper-class students have guest visitation privileges 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No guest may stay longer than three days/two nights out of any seven-day period unless permission has been granted in advance by the Office of Residence Life.

First-year roommate pairs complete binding roommate contracts during the first two weeks of the Fall semester that address issues of guest visitation. Overnight guest visitation for first-year students is only permitted on Friday and Saturday nights, within the parameters of their chosen visitation agreement. Off Campus guests may visit only until midnight on Sunday-Thursday nights.

Visitation must not interfere with a roommate’s right to free access to their room at all times. A roommate must not be deprived of their right to privacy, study time, or sleep because of a guest.


Is there storage within the Residence Halls?

Randolph College has limited storage facilities for the summer break. You may not store your belongings if you live in VA, NC, SC, MD, PA, DE, WV, KY, or TN. To start the process of storing your belongings, please be in contact with Residence Life. Each student will need to review and sign a storage agreement form prior to moving their belongings to the designated storage facility. The College does not assume responsibility for damage to or loss of items placed in storage on campus. Students store items on campus entirely at their own risk. Because the storage spaces are frequently unlocked and are not monitored, students are urged to consider renting storage space at local storage companies for their own protection. Valuables, electronic equipment, legal/identification documents, and irreplaceable or keepsake items should not be stored in on-campus storage spaces.

If a student lives in a state different from those already listed, please contact Residence Life (reslife@randolphcollege.ed) to obtain and complete the Summer Storage Request Form.


What is the mail receiving process for residential students?

The Mailroom and Copy Center, located next to Lipscomb Library, provides mailboxes for all students, United States Post Office pickup and delivery, UPS pickup and delivery, and receiving for all major package delivery services. Visit their web page for more information.

Your Mailing Address for any type of mail or delivery service is:

Your name
Randolph College
Box _____
2500 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg, VA 24503-1526

Break Housing


Does Randolph College offer housing during breaks?

Residence Halls remain open for Fall, Thanksgiving, and Spring breaks at no extra charge. The Dining Hall will be closed during breaks, and students will have to buy and prepare their own food if they remain on campus.

  • Winter break
    • During the Winter break, students are responsible for making their individual housing arrangements. International Students and other college related organizations (i.e. athletic teams) are allowed to stay on campus at an extra charge, but are responsible for their own meals.
  • Summer break
    • During the Summer break, only those students with official-college business or that have signed a summer housing contract will be permitted to stay during summer break; This includes the Summer Research Program and other college related positions.
    • Residents are charged nightly for housing over summer.
    • If you are interested in utilizing summer break housing, please reach out to Residence Life to begin the process.


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