Media and Culture Curriculum
Media and Culture Major
Media and culture studies is a broad inter-disciplinary field of inquiry.
The program at Randolph College draws upon several critical traditions in the field: rhetoric, cultural studies, political economy, and film and media criticism.
Courses help students to develop their communication skills, become thoughtful critics and practitioners of media, and acquire an understanding of the domestic and global political economic and cultural context within which contemporary media operate.
Majors and minors in media and culture studies explore and learn to apply theoretical concepts, design and carry out independent research, and gain practical experience through internships.
A major in media and culture studies prepares students for graduate study and/or careers in a wide range of fields including, but not limited to, multimedia journalism, digital filmmaking, broadcasting, public relations, publishing, law, information science, and teaching.
Degree Requirements
- Media and Culture major (BA)
- Film and Video major (BA)
- Media and Culture minor
- Film Studies minor
- Social Justice and Activism minor
Course Catalog
Film Studies Minor
Throughout the history of America, the movies have acted as a powerful social, political, and economic force. In the film studies minor, students have an opportunity to examine the cinema’s role in our culture and its development as both an art and a technology.
The film studies minor is housed in the media and culture department, but it is interdisciplinary, drawing upon film studies and filmmaking courses as well as courses from other departments.
In addition to regular courses in American Movies, World Cinema and Documentary History and Theory, other special topics courses are scheduled on a frequent basis. Outside of the media and culture department, courses are offered such as Faith and Film, Chinese Culture through Film, French Film, and Cinema and Masculinity.
All of these courses encourage students to become more informed viewers and consumers of visual culture through close textual analysis and critical thinking.
The film studies minor is firmly rooted in a liberal arts education, drawing upon multiple disciplines and helping students make connections between them. It augments any major at the college, as it encourages students to take an active role in understanding one of our society’s foremost means of communication.
Course Offerings
Below is a list of available courses offered by the Media and Culture department. Consult the Registrar’s Office and the College Catalog for registration information.
Media and Culture Courses
MAC 1101 - Media, Culture, And Power
This course investigates the way that individuals and communities use various forms of media to negotiate identity. It explores representations of race, class, gender and sexuality, paying specific attention to the workings of power in the media industry. Students examine such media as film, television, music, advertisements, and public discourse and gain experience with different kinds of writing about media. Credit hours: 4 (CI,HE,WI)
MAC 1107 - Chinese Food Culture
What and how we choose to eat are shaped by our social and cultural environment. How do Chinese people eat differently compared with people from other cultures? How do food and eating relate to individual, health, and national identity? This course explores the history and modern representations of Chinese food, and helps students think critically about contemporary cultural productions. Credit hours: 4. (CI, HE)
MAC 1108 - Love And Romance In Chinese Pop Culture
Romantic love is an eternal theme that appears in almost every pop cultural product. This course explores the Chinese take on romantic love. An in-depth study of Chinese love stories in movies, animation, pop songs, and novels provides a basis to explore how the idea of love and passion has developed in history and how it constructs gender norms and cultural identity. Credit hours: 4.
MAC 1111 - Digital Photography
An introduction to the aesthetics and techniques of digital photography. This art course will teach photography as an expressive medium with reference to photography in art historically. Techniques include depth of field, lens choice, aperture settings, exposure, and use of software. Students will develop their creative vision, conceptualization skills, and technical proficiency. Identical with ARTS 1111. Credit hours: 4. (AE)
MAC 1173 - Mac One Time Only
Credit hours: 4. One time only.
MAC 1175 - Practical Reasoning
An introduction to the practice of reasoning and problem-solving. Emphasis on the analysis of arguments of the sort encountered in everyday discourse and in textbooks and lectures; on the clear and persuasive presentation of arguments, reports, and papers; and on the refinement of ordinary critical instinct. Identical with CPHL 1175. Credit hours: 4. (HE)
MAC 1183 - Classical Rhetoric And Persuasive Power
We have inherited from ancient orators an understanding of the power of words to persuade and ideas about what makes a good speech appeal to an audience. Students will analyze speeches, delve into ancient rhetorical thinking, and apply its arts to speeches of their own. Students will read and write in English. Identical with CLAS 1183. Credit hours: 4. (AE)
MAC 1185 - Mac One Time Only
Credit hours: 4. One time only.
MAC 1186 - Mac One Time Only
Credit hours: 4. One time only.
MAC 1187 - Mac One Time Only
Credit hours: 4. One time only.
MAC 2204 - Media Technologies And Culture
The study of the relationship between culture and communication technologies, including oral communication, visual symbols, print, film, radio, television, cassettes, and digital media. Examination of how media industries, governments, militaries, religious movements, audiences, and communities employ communication technologies in power struggles, ideological conflicts, and cultural clashes in various global contexts. Reflection upon philosophical conceptions of sensory perception and media consumption experiences. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MAC 1101 and sophomore standing or permission of instructor. (CI, HE, SS, WI)
MAC 2205 - Media, Culture, And Sport
Students work independently with a faculty mentor to complete a project. Students electing the research option will write an original research paper and deliver a public oral presentation. Students who select the creative media project will produce a short film, a website, a multimedia project, or an investigative journalism project and give a public screening/presentation. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MAC 3310 and MAC 3311 or permission of instructor.
MAC 2211 - Digital Photography
An introduction to the aesthetics and techniques of digital photography. This art course will teach photography as an expressive medium with reference to photography in art historically. Techniques include depth of field, lens choice, aperture settings, exposure, and use of software. Students will develop their creative vision, conceptualization skills, and technical proficiency. Identical with ARTS 2211. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: ARTS 1103 or permission of instructor.
MAC 2220 - Media And Masculinities
This course will examine the representation of men and masculinities in a variety of media from early print to magazines, radio, television, film and virtual media. Topics will include advertising, marginalized masculinities, sports, violence, and male sexualities. Credit hours: 4.
MAC 2231 - America At The Margins
An examination of the social construction of difference in late 20th and early 21st century America. This course focuses on social groups and communities that live on the physical and metaphorical borders of American culture such as addicts, queers, criminals, and illegal immigrants. Particular attention will be given to the ways in which their presence shapes contemporary ideological discourse. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: sophomore standing or permission of instructor. (CI)
MAC 2250 - New Media And Identity
This course examines new media and its intersection with identity, community and activism. Students will examine such issues as new media and democracy, new media and entertainment communities, the ramifications of algorithms for individual privacy, new media and health, and the concentration of the media industry. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisites: MAC 1101.
MAC 2277 - American Movies
Limits, continuity, and differentiation of algebraic functions of one variable. Applications to curve sketching, optimization, and rates of change. The definite integral applied to finding the area under a curve. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MATH 1118 or MATH 1119 or the equivalent. (QR)
MAC 2279 - Introduction To Digital Filmmaking
This course is a basic introduction to filmmaking in the digital format; no previous filmmaking experience is necessary. It will familiarize students with the components of the digital video camera, the process of creating a moving image from single digital images, and the basics of non-linear digital editing. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: ARTS/MAC 1181 or ARTH/MAC 2277 or permission of instructor. (AE)
MAC 2285 - Mac One Time Only
One time only.
MAC 2286 - One Time Only - Digital Communities
One time only. Spring 2025, Session 4: This course examines how communities function in the digital realm, how online communities impact our sense of community and how such changes affect our social, political and economic lives. The course will engage with topics that are relevant to online communities today, including race, gender, health, activism, bias, misinformation, and ethics. Students will explore questions relating to digital technology, social change and the social and cultural aspects of digital media. Credit hours: 4. (SS)
MAC 3310 - Contemporary Issues In Media And Culture I
Students gain practice with several methods of researching media, both qualitative and quantitative, with attention to texts, audiences and industry. Case studies from contemporary media will be analyzed using the various research methods. Students have the opportunity to develop skills in written, oral and visual communication. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MAC 1101 or permission of instructor.
MAC 3311 - Contemporary Issues In Media And Culture Ii
Data science is an interdisciplinary field incorporating statistical techniques with algorithms to collect and to process large data sets, in order to extract meaning and make decisions. Students will explore the collection and filtering of data, machine learning algorithms, and methods for drawing conclusions. Identical with DSCI 2232. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: ECON 2227 or EVST 2205 or MATH 2227 or MATH 3343 or POL 2231 or PSYC 2227 or SOC 3395.
MAC 3330 - Feminist Rhetorical Theories
This course provides an introduction to feminist theories of rhetoric. We will explore the work of scholars from diverse backgrounds, including Indigenous, Latinx, and Black women scholars, also highlighting the intersections of gender with race, class, sexuality and nationhood. We will examine theories of social change from a communication perspective, focusing on the nature and function of symbols used in the change process. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MAC 1101 and 2204, or permission of instructor.
MAC 3342 - Assuming Whiteness
Discrete mathematics focuses on structures where the parts are distinct and separated, as contrasted with the continuous structures studied in calculus. This course has a particular focus on graphs and networks.. We will consider paths and cycles, coloring, planar graphs, and trees. We also consider algorithms to find shortest paths, minimum spanning trees, and maximum flows. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MATH 1149 or CSCI 1151.
MAC 3344 - Race And Hollywood
This course will provide a history of the representation of racial and ethnic minorities in popular film and its sociocultural implications; an application of sociological perspectives toward understanding popular film; and an examination of minorities as audiences and filmmakers. Identical SOC 3344. Credit hours: 4. (AE, HE)
MAC 3351 - Transmedia Storytelling
This course introduces students to the process of creating and publishing stories across multiple media platforms. Students will gain experience producing short films as well as creating content for social media. Issues such as audience participation, the democratization of media, and how to create and sustain an online identity as a content producer will be put into interactive practice. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MAC 1101 and sophomore standing or permission of instructor. (AE)
MAC 3376 - Advanced Digital Filmmaking
This advanced course in the art of digital filmmaking teaches students how to create and tell visual multimedia stories in the digital age by using video, still images, time- lapse photography, and audio. Students will study new visual storytelling practices and film art using mobile devices and apps to produce narratives for the web, iPads, and smartphones. Identical with ARTS 3376. Taught concurrently with MAC 2279. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: ARTS/MAC 2279 or permission of instructor.
MAC 3380 - Global Media And Society
This course explores media texts and movements around the world. Topics include cultural imperialism, global cultural pluralism, localization, hybridity, modernity, and cultural identity. Examination of the cultural politics of media representations and asymmetrical circulation from Western nations (Global North) to non-Western nations (Global South) as well as contra-flows and diasporic media. Identical with ARTH 3380. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MAC 1101 or permission of instructor. (HE, CI)
MAC 3382 - Studies In Film
The topic of this course will vary from year to year. Students may examine specific genres, directors, national cinemas, or film theories. Identical with ARTH 3382. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MAC/ARTH 2277 or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit when topic differs. (AE)
MAC 3382 - Film Noir
This course will give students a sense of the distinctive development of crime fiction and film in the US and trace that development from its classic period in the 1930s and 40s to the present. Students will also learn how popular crime fiction and film has provided a means for articulating anxieties about mainstream ideology in American culture. Credit hours: 4.
MAC 3384 - Documentary History And Theory
This course is an introduction to the history, theory, and aesthetics of documentary film. It traces several major historical movements in the development of documentary from Russia and Great Britain to Canada and the United States. Students will explore questions of ethics in documentary production, the development of various formal techniques, and a number of theoretical approaches to analyzing documentaries. Identical with ARTH 3384. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MAC/ARTH 2277 or permission of instructor. (AE, CI, HE)
MAC 3386 - One Time Only: Visual Sociology
One time only. Spring 2025, Session 4: Students will use Visual Sociology as a method to study Social Movements. Visual sociology studies the visual images produced as part of culture and how those reflect the norms of any given culture or social world. Students will choose a social movement and analyze the visual cultural artifacts used by that movement to communicate their messages. This includes photos, videos, paintings, and any other form of media or art. Credit hours: 4.
MAC 3387 - Mac One Time Only
Credit hours: 4. One time only.
MAC 4493 - Senior Seminar
A critical study of significant works in media and cultural studies and a review of research methods and theory. Students will lay the groundwork for their senior research by formulating a research question and exploring related secondary sources. They will also determine a research method and theoretical framework. The course culminates in a formal research proposal. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MAC 3310 and MAC 3311 or permission of instructor
MAC 4494 - Senior Project
Students work independently with a faculty mentor to complete a project. Students electing the research option will write an original research paper and deliver a public oral presentation. Students who select the creative media project will produce a short film, a website, a multimedia project, or an investigative journalism project and give a public screening/presentation. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: MAC 3310 and MAC 3311 or permission of instructor.
Film and Video Courses
FAV 2222 - Video Production I
An introduction to basic video/film/audio production. Students will learn the basics of operating a video camera, how to capture video and audio, and how to edit video and audio to tell a story. The course will also introduce students to the process of storyboarding and production planning. Credit hours: 4.
FAV 2252 - Documentary Research
The fourth module of the sequence begun in GREK 1111. The course is primarily offered online and asynchronously. Credit hours: 1. Prerequisite or co-requisite: GREK 1113.
FAV 2279 - Writing Plays
In this course, students learn how to structure a scene, how to structure a play, how to create, hold, and release the tension of a dramatic moment through taut and convincing dialogue, how to create characters that an audience will identify with and care about. Through the reading of modern and contemporary plays, both short and full length, students will study the ways that highly accomplished playwrights solve the problems presented by a variety of dramatic situations, and will begin to implement into their own scenes and plays the elements of the craft that they discover. Identical with ENGL 2279. Credit hours: 4.
FAV 3307 - Internship / Practicum
Offers students the opportunity to put their film and video production skills to use in a professional setting. With assistance from the Career Development Center, students may obtain an internship or practicum with a business or non-profit organization such as local television stations or performance academies. Pre-requisites: FAV 2222, and sophomore standing. Pre-requisite or co-requisite: FAV 3322. Credit hours: 1-4.
FAV 3322 - Video Production Ii
This course builds upon the knowledge and skills gained in Video Production I. Pre-requisite: FAV 2222. Credit hours: 4.
FAV 3324 - Cinematography
Introduces students to the art and technique of camera and lighting in the making of a film. It involves technical concerns such as camera, lens, format, and lighting instruments, as well as various methods related to composition and subject modelling in order to tell the story. Pre-requisites: FAV 2222. Pre-requisite or co-requisite: FAV 3322. Credit hours: 4.
FAV 3333 - Editing
Students read a selection of unabridged ancient Greek prose and poetry with special attention to fluid translation and comprehension. Coursework will include review of basic grammar and syntax and introductions to the variations of Greek style and meter. Credit hours: 4, 4. Prerequisite: GREK 1102, two high school entrance units of Greek, or placement.
FAV 3342 - Directing For The Camera
This course investigates the directorial process of translating the written script to the screen. Students analyze, rehearse, shoot, and edit narrative scenes from existing or original screenplays. Students work in crews rotating between the roles of director, camera, and sound. Pre-requisite: FAV 2222. Pre-requisite or co-requisite: FAV 3322. Credit hours: 4.
FAV 4495 - Senior Seminar
In this course, majors will prepare for the production of their senior project, which could include research for a documentary or a development of a screenplay, creation of a production schedule, and any other pre-production work that needs to be accomplished. Credit hours: 4
FAV 4496 - Senior Project
The second module of the sequence begun in GREK 2211. The course is offered primarily online and asynchronously. Credit hours: 1. Prerequisite or co-requisite: GREK 2211.