As a Randolph College student, you will have the opportunity to participate in all that the College has to offer – clubs, volunteering, social functions, lectures, athletics, the arts and more. The following programs are specifically designed for or have a specific component for international students.
Conversation Partners
We match you up with an American student who will meet you once a week during the semester for casual conversation. It’s a great way to learn about American customs and Randolph College culture and to start making friends. For those students who speak English as a second language, this is an easy way to improve conversational skills. Sign up for this during orientation.
Friendship Family Program
This program was developed to encourage friendship and cross-cultural understanding between international students and families in the Lynchburg area. We will match you up with families who will occasionally invite you to their homes, and we encourage you to invite them to campus events. This is not a home-stay or live-in program. Sign up for this during orientation.
Study Abroad
Contact the Provost’s Office for more information.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many opportunities at Randolph to take part in community service. For example, you can work with a group at local schools by tutoring, teaching about your culture, and just having fun. More information can be found on the Service and Volunteerism page.
The Community Fellows program is a more structured way of giving back to the local community. Check with the ISS office to make sure the experience qualifies as volunteer work.