The Tradition–Greek Plays directed by Mabel K. Whiteside:
- 1909: Alcestis
- 1910: Antigone
- 1911: Medea
- 1913: Oedipus Tyrannus
- 1914: Sophocles’ Electra
- 1917: Antigone
- 1918: Alcestis
- 1919: Iphigenia in Tauris
- 1920: Medea
- 1925: Alcestis
- 1926: The Birds
- 1927: Trojan Women
- 1928: Girl with the Shorn Locks
- 1929: Iphigenia in Tauris
- 1930: Sophocles’ Electra
- 1931: Antigone
- 1932: Eumenides
- 1933: Trojan Women
- 1934: Prometheus Bound
- 1935: Ion
- 1936: Aeschylus’ Suppliants
- 1937: The Birds
- 1938: Medea
- 1939: Trojan Women
- 1940: Iphigenia at Aulis
- 1941: Bacchae
- 1942: Alcestis
- 1943: Sophocles’ Electra
- 1944: Antigone
- 1945: Agamemnon
- 1946: Trojan Women
- 1947: Hecuba
- 1948: Bacchae
- 1949: The Frogs
- 1950: The Seven Against Thebes
- 1951: Sophocles’ Electra
- 1952: The Birds
- 1953: Eumenides
- 1954: Oresteia
The Revived Tradition–Greek Plays directed by Amy R. Cohen:
- 2000: Antigone
- 2001: Iphigeneia at Aulis
- 2002: The Libation Bearers
- 2004: The Bacchae
- 2006: The Clouds
- 2008: Sophocles’ Elektra
- 2009: Alcestis
- 2010: Hecuba
- 2012: Seven Against Thebes
- 2014: Oedipus the King
- 2016: The Frogs
- 2018: Medea
- 2020: Heracles and Deianeira (Sophocles’ Trachiniae), the Zoom version
- 2021: Heracles and Deianeira (Sophocles’ Trachiniae), in the Dell
- 2023: Ion