Principle Investigators should work with the Office of Sponsored Programs to coordinate with administrators and awarding agencies for post-award modifications.
Financial and Administrative (F&A) Changes to Federal Grant Awards Policy (COMING SOON)
In the event of a change in key personnel, PI’s should contact the Sponsored Programs Officer to discuss requirements for administrative approval and sponsor notification.
Post-award modification to either the budget or scope of work most often requires prior sponsor approval. If not specified in the terms and conditions of the award, the Sponsored Programs Officer can assist with sponsor communication and submit a request, if allowable.
A cost transfer is the reassignment of an expense to a sponsored project after the expense (salary, wage, other direct cost) was initially charged elsewhere. Cost transfers are appropriate for the purpose of correcting bookkeeping errors or to transfer pre-award costs to a sponsored project account; however, they must reflect expenses that directly benefit the sponsored project being charged, be an allowable charge, and be supported by adequate documentation explaining the circumstances of the transfer.
Cost transfers will not be permitted in the following circumstances:
A no-cost extension can occur when more time is needed to accomplish the scope of work/goals of the project without additional funding from the sponsor. A request for extension may only be requested for programmatic reasons, and sufficient funds must be available to support the project’s extension.
An extension request must be submitted to the sponsor, in most cases, 90 days before the original project end date. The terms and conditions of the award should specify sponsor-specific requirements. A justification for the change, a new project end date, and an updated project budget indicating use of original funds for the extension should be included in the request, to be submitted to the Sponsored Programs Officer.