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Proposals and Submission

Faculty or staff members interested in seeking external funding should contact the Sponsored Programs Officer for assistance. A Funding Request must be completed and submitted to the Sponsored Programs Officer before active pursuit of external funding. This alerts relevant administrative officials and identifies actions necessary to ensure institutional support of the application.

The Principal Investigator for the project will work with the Sponsored Programs Officer on proposal submission. PIs should review Principal Investigator Eligibility and Responsibility before proposal preparation.

The successful pursuit of external funding requires thorough attention to detail and thoughtful project structure. Further, all proposals routed through the College require institutional sign-off before they may be submitted.

To allow time for review, possible changes or clarification, and sign-off by Authorized Organizational Representatives, a completed Sign-Off Transmittal form, final budgets, final draft narratives, and other required documents must be submitted to the Sponsored Programs Officer a minimum of ten (10) business days prior to the application deadline. Last-minute proposals may not be able to receive institutional sign-off and therefore may not be able to be submitted to external funders.

Principal Investigators should refer to the following sections when preparing proposals:

Policies, Procedures, and Regulations

Principal Investigator Eligibility and Requirements

Request Funding

Proposal Preparation

Research Integrity and Safety


Funding Request Form

Sign-Off Transmittal Form

Financial Disclosure Form

Responsible Conduct of Research Training Certification

Education Grant Writing Basics

NSF: A Guide for Proposal Writing

Chronicle for Higher Education: 10 Tips for Successful Grant Writing

Chronicle for Higher Education: 10 Common Grant-Writing Mistakes


For more information, please contact the Sponsored Programs Office.

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