Social Media Commenting Policy
The official Randolph College social media outlets (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and YouTube) are online venues where students, prospective students, parents, alumnae and alumni, and others can learn about some of the great things happening at the College.
We encourage people to post, comment, and interact with others, and expect that remarks will be on-topic and respectful of the rights and opinions of others. Please note that all posts on Randolph College’s accounts are moderated online discussions and not a public forum.
Terms & Conditions
By posting a comment or material of any kind on a Randolph College sponsored site, the user hereby agrees to the terms and conditions set forth below. Before commenting or including content, you agree to not:
- Post material that is racist, sexist, abusive, profane, hateful, violent, obscene, or pornographic
- Post anything that advocates illegal activity
- Post material that infringes on copyright
- Post phone numbers, email addresses, or anything else for students or others that would violate their privacy
- Post material that contains falsehoods
- Post material that is off-topic (not relating to Randolph College or its constituents)
- Post material selling products or promoting commercial, political, or other ventures unless we deem them related to the College or its members
- Defame, libel, incite, threaten, or make ad hominem attacks
- Post material from impersonated profiles
- Post multiple items or duplicate information (from any one person or multiple people)
- All content and posts are also bound by the Terms and Community Guidelines for each service:
Randolph College reserves the right to do any or all of the following:
- Remove communications that violate these Terms and Conditions
- Remove any communications posted regardless of whether such communications violate these standards
- Ban future posts or block users who violate these Terms and Conditions
- Remove capability from the public to post or comment on Randolph College’s official sites
Posted comments and images do not necessarily represent the views of Randolph College. If you have any questions or concerns about our policy or about the content posted on one of our social media sites, please email us at
More Policy Information