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Event Publicity

Publicity Procedures for Event Organizers

Event marketing on campus is the responsibility of the event organizer. While the Office of College Relations (OCR) is not able to handle promotion of department-level events, we can provide some guidance and assistance if given the proper notice.

For public events, OCR can assist an event coordinator in creating a communication plan, designing print materials, coordinating print production, drafting media advertisements, and positioning event information on the College website.

Please note that OCR can only promote an event that is approved and listed on the public calendar. For information regarding that process, please contact scheduling or see the College’s event management system (EMS) on the Inside Randolph portal > Events > Reserve Room.

Requests from faculty or staff for OCR support should be made through the OCR project request system (PRS). Please note that OCR needs three-to-four weeks’ notice for most project requests. Bigger projects may require more lead time. (OCR does not accept requests from students). 

Calendar Listings

Any public event that has been scheduled through EMS and confirmed will automatically feed to the public events calendar on the College website.

Campus community events that have been scheduled and confirmed through EMS will automatically feed to the events calendar on the Inside Randolph portal.


OCR uses Instagram stories to promote department-level, on-campus events** because it is the most ideal place to generate engagement among students and allows us to provide high visibility due to the location of stories at the top of Instagram feeds.

Any graphics used must meet the College’s brand and accessibility standards. In most cases, OCR can provide design assistance for graphics for faculty- and staff-organized events. However, requests must be made at least three weeks before the event.

In some cases, OCR can also add public events to the events listings on the College’s Facebook page as timing allows.

With at least three weeks’ notice, OCR can usually provide designs for posters, web graphics, and programs for College events.

Time permitting, OCR staff can coordinate printing for posters with outside vendors. Event organizers are responsible for purchasing, distributing, and arranging delivery or pickup as needed.


For larger events, OCR may be able to pitch the idea to the local news media.

Please note that all press releases from the College and contacts with the media must come from OCR, and no reporters/photographers/videographers are allowed on campus without permission from the director of college relations.

Media are required to contact OCR first for any inquiries or questions.

Social Media Advertising Assistance

With at least three weeks’ notice, OCR can also provide guidance, design, and placement assistance for social media advertising.

With the proper notice, OCR can create graphics and coordinate the placement of these ads on social platforms, usually Facebook and Instagram.

Departments and event organizers are responsible for the cost of the ads. However, this type of advertising is affordable.

**Larger institutional priority events may warrant additional services, including webpages, media coverage, more frequent social media posts, etc.

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