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Degree Requirements

Consult the Academic Catalog for the requirements to fulfill the Chinese Studies minor

Course Offerings

Below is a list of available courses offered by the Chinese Studies department. Consult the Registrar’s Office and the College Catalog for official list of course offerings.

CHIN 1101 - Elementary Chinese

An introduction to modern Chinese (Mandarin), emphasizing correct pronunciation, conversational skills, basic grammar, and reading and writing. Credit hours: 4. (LA)

CHIN 1102 - Elementary Chinese

An introduction to modern Chinese (Mandarin), emphasizing correct pronunciation, conversational skills, basic grammar, and reading and writing. Credit hours: 4. (LA)

CHIN 1105 - Chinese Culture Through Film

This course will study a broad variety of films produced in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong and will provide a window into Chinese culture and society. Discussion of films will enable students to improve their understanding of many aspects of Chinese culture. Classes are conducted in English. Credit hours: 4. (CI,HE)

CHIN 1106 - Modern Chinese Literature

What and how we choose to eat are shaped by our social and cultural environment. How do Chinese people eat differently compared with people from other cultures? How do food and eating relate to individual, health, and national identity? This course explores the history and modern representations of Chinese food, and helps students think critically about contemporary cultural productions. Classes are conducted in English. Credits hours: 4. (CI, HE)

CHIN 1107 - Chinese Food Culture

What and how we choose to eat are shaped by our social and cultural environment. How do Chinese people eat differently compared with people from other cultures? How do food and eating relate to individual, health, and national identity? This course explores the history and modern representations of Chinese food, and helps students think critically about contemporary cultural productions. Classes are conducted in English. Credits hours: 4. (CI, HE)

CHIN 1108 - Love And Romance In Chinese Pop Culture

Romantic love is an eternal theme that appears in almost every pop cultural product. This course explores the Chinese take on romantic love. An in-depth study of Chinese love stories in movies, animation, pop songs, and novels provides a basis to explore how the idea of love and passion has developed in history and how it constructs gender norms and cultural identity. Credit hours: 4.

CHIN 1173 - Chin One Time Only

Credit hours: 4. One time only.

CHIN 1174 - Chin One Time Only

Credit hours: 4. One time only.

CHIN 1185 - Chin One Time Only

Credit hours: 4. One time only.

CHIN 1186 - Chin One Time Only

Credit hours: 4. One time only.

CHIN 1186S - Chin One Time Only

Credit hours: 4. One time only.

CHIN 1187 - Chin One Time Only

Credit hours: 4. One time only.

CHIN 2201 - Intermediate Chinese

This course focuses on acquisition of practical, oral vocabulary, as well as development of reading skills. In addition, it treats grammatical structures and idiomatic speech. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: CHIN 1102. (LA)

CHIN 2202 - Intermediate Chinese

This course focuses on acquisition of practical, oral vocabulary, as well as development of reading skills. In addition, it treats grammatical structures and idiomatic speech. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: CHIN 1102. (LA)

CHIN 2290 - Independent Study

Independent Study

CHIN 3301 - Third Year Modern Chinese

This course sequence continues the development of vocabulary, as well as conversational and reading skills, acquired in the first two years of Chinese language training. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: CHIN 2202 or equivalent. (LA)

CHIN 3302 - Third Year Modern Chinese

This course continues the development of vocabulary, as well as conversational and reading skills, acquired in the first two years of Chinese language training. Credit hours: 4. Prerequisite: CHIN 2202 or equivalent. (LA)

CHIN 3310 - Business Chinese

Designed for advanced Chinese language students, this course aims to develop a student's understanding of a business environment, mixing command-economy from the Maoist era and the market economy after Deng Xiaoping's reforms. Students will also learn courteous speech, business jargon, and the language of marketing and foreign trade. Credit hours: 1. Prerequisite: CHIN 2202 and permission of the instructor.

CHIN 3386 - Chin One Time Only

Credit hours: 1. One time only.

CHIN 4401 - Fourth Year Modern Chinese

This is a survey course covering the history of the Mediterranean from the introduction of agriculture (c. 9000 BCE) to the rise of Islam (632 CE). The course considers the cultural, political, and social history of the region across this period, paying particular attention to the Greeks and Romans. Credit hours: 3. Identical with HIST 1180.

CHIN 4402 - Fourth Year Modern Chinese

This course provides practical training in the construction of Greek theatrical masks for use in the production of an ancient play. Students also participate in continuing research in construction methods. Credit hours: 0.5. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

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