Career Development Center
Randolph College
2500 Rivermont Ave.
Lynchburg, VA 24503 USA
Location: Thoresen Hall
Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. M-F
You know you need an internship, now how are you going to find one?
Be Proactive!
Make a list of employers for whom you would like to intern, research if they have an internship program, and if not prepare a Letter of Inquiry proposing an internship.
Network! Speak with your academic advisor, mentors in the community, and the internship coordinator for local connections.
Be Responsive!
There are many online search databases for internships, many of which focus on a particular type of company, such as non-profit and mission-driven organizations. A few we recommend are:
If you know what kind of internship you are seeking and the city where you would like to be based, then do an internet search. This works best with larger cities, and may provide companies you never would have thought of.
Follow the lead of alumni!
On occasion, we get information on internship opportunities from companies where our alumni are in leadership positions. We will post these to the Portal and send out to class lists. Pay close attention and jump on those opportunities as they become available!
Keep it local!
Check out the Internship Database on the Portal to see where other students have interned in the local area. Chances are, if a company has hosted an intern from Randolph in the past, they will be very happy to do so again! Log into the Portal, go to “C” in the alphabetical browse tool, and scroll down to “Career Development Center – Internship Database.”
Use the “location” tab to find on-campus internships!
Be a friend!
We often post new internship opportunities on our Facebook Page, as well as information on networking events such as the Internship Match-Up! “Like” us:
Internship Contract Deadlines
Internship contracts are due by the end of the first full week of classes for the session in which the internship occurs.
Contracts submitted during appeal period must be accompanied by an Appeal Form regardless of reason or circumstances. After that date, Internships may not earn credit.