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Billing Policies

  • Tuition and Fees – Randolph College charges by semester with statements sent the first week of July for the fall semester and the first week of December for the spring semester. Semester payments are due accordingly on August 1 and January 1 prior to the start of each semester. These statements are also available in the student’s self-service account online. Please understand that students cannot move into campus housing until 1) the outstanding balance is paid in full for the upcoming semester OR 2) they have registered for and started making payments on the Monthly Payment Plan. Room keys will be withheld from students who have not paid their tuition payment by the deadline. Class registrations will be cancelled on the first day of fall classes for any student with an outstanding balance due. You can verify your Move In clearance by logging into the Portal and selecting the “Student” tab. There you will find a new section titled “required actions”. If the line “tuition paid/cleared for move-in” is green, then you have met all requirements.
  • Financial Aid Applied to Accounts – Financial aid is awarded annually and disbursed per semester to the student account, contingent upon receipt of a signed award letter from the student.  If a signed award letter is not received, then the student is responsible for payment of the balance due in accordance with the deadlines noted above. One half of the stated award will be applied to each semester. Loans are disbursed to the student account as the proceeds are received and are not reflected on the account prior to receipt of the funds.
  • Payments on Account– Payments may be made by cash, check, money order, certified check, or bank wire. You may also pay by credit card on-line through CASHNet at . Please contact the Business Office at (434) 947-8112 if you need wiring instructions.
  • Refunds for Overpayments– If a payment or loan disbursement creates a credit balance on an account, the student may request a refund of that credit balance accessing the  “Request for Refund” form.
  • Statements and Late Fees – Statements will be generated monthly for accounts with unpaid balances. Statements will also be available for the student to view on their self-service account. Payments not received by the due date are subject to a monthly late fee of 2% of the past due balance. Such fees are subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
  • Online Textbook Purchases– Each enrolled student is eligible to charge up to $500 through our virtual online bookstore, MBS Direct, before and during the first two weeks of each semester. These charges will be transferred to the tuition account during the third week of classes and will be due upon receipt of the next statement.  To purchase books using this service please visit MBS Direct.
  • Overload Fees – Our semester fees are based on each student taking an average of 15.5 hours for credit per semester. However, the student may take as many as 20 credits with no additional fee. Any credits in excess of 20 will be billed at $450 per credit hour. These fees will be added in the third week of classes and will be due upon receipt of the next statement.
  • Music Fees – Please review the College catalog for current fees associated with taking private music lessons. These fees will be added in the third week of classes and will be due upon receipt of the next statement.
  • Orientation Fees – All first-time, first-year and transfer students will be assessed an Orientation Fee in their fall tuition bill that covers the costs of materials and programming for parents and the student during the orientation session.
  • Returned Checks – Checks returned to the College for any reason will be added to the student’s account balance. In addition, the current returned check fee will be added to the account. These transactions will be reflected on your next statement and will be due upon receipt of that statement.
  • Business Office Holds – The Business Office places two types of holds on a student account.
    1. Registration Hold is placed on an account with an unpaid balance greater than $1,000. This prohibits participation in on-line registration and room draw.
    2. Business Office Hold is placed on accounts with any unpaid balance. This prohibits the release of diplomas and may delay the release of transcripts.
  • Unpaid Accounts for Current Students – Students with an account balance greater than $1000 from the prior semester on January 2 or June 1 may no longer be considered enrolled and may be officially withdrawn accordingly. Should this happen, students who wish to have their enrollment status restored must pay their outstanding balance in full, and then apply and be accepted for readmission. They will also be responsible for a $25 application fee and an enrollment deposit of $300 upon regaining admission status.
  • Delinquent Accounts for Former Students – The College will, at its option, send a delinquent account to a collection agency and will add to the account balance any costs of collection incurred. Any account which remains inactive for 90 days past the student’s separation from the College will be considered for collections.
  • Residence Damage Charges – Charges for damages to residence hall rooms and common-use areas within the halls are applied to the students’ accounts upon notification by the Residence Life Office. Damages to individual residence hall rooms and their furnishings will be charged to the room occupants unless the identity of others responsible for the damage is known and the charges are paid in full by these individuals. Charges for damages to common-use areas and furnishings therein will be assessed equally to all residents of the of the residence hall unless the identity of the individuals responsible for the common-use area damage is known and those individuals pay for the damages in full.
  • Educational Benefit Account Agreement – A completed and returned Educational Benefit Account Agreement and College’s Initial Disclosure (EBAA) is required of all students and their parent(s) or guardian(s) prior to matriculation.  This form will remain on file in the Business Office for the duration of the student’s enrollment.  By completing this form, the student and parent(s) or guardian(s) agree to pay all financial obligations that are due to the College.  This form grants permission to the College to discuss financial matters regarding tuition accounts with all parties to the EBAA.
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